Washington Elementary
We are a Title 1 school with a student population of more than 420 students. We qualify for Title 1 funding due to approximately 70% of our students receiving Free/Reduced Price Lunch. With that extra funding, we are able to purchase extra supplies and academic materials for teachers, provide professional development on-site, and hire additional support personnel to help with academic and behavior interventions.
Washington Elementary has a diverse student population. Approximately 40% of our students are of Hispanic, American Indian, Pacific Islander, or African-American heritage. We proudly recognize all students as valuable and important to our culture of learning, caring, and understanding and welcome all to our warm and friendly school.
We have weekly specialty class where students enjoy Art, P.E., Computers, Library, and Counselor Time. We strive for excellence in behavior and have a school-wide behavior plan which includes Safe and Civil Schools training (C.H.A.M.P.S.) and PBIS structures in place. Our students earn Eagle Eyes and Eagle Feathers for good to great behaviors. We have a staffed wellness room called “The Eagles Nest” where students who are struggling with emotions can go for a few minutes, relax and self-regulate to get them ready to return to class. We also have a Skills Room where students learn and practice positive social, emotional, and behavioral skills.
We realize the importance of the academics at Washington Elementary and specifically focus on reading, writing, and mathematics. We strive to keep our students and staff safe, healthy physically and mentally, and constantly learning.
We believe every child can learn at high levels and we commit to doing everything we can to reach those high levels of learning. We celebrate our successes in all of the above-mentioned areas.
Contact Information
300 N 300 E
Washington, UT 84780
Phone: (435) 673-3012
Fax: (435) 634-5748

Principal Adam Baker
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