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PHONE: 435-673-3012

Principal’s Welcome

Welcome to Washington Elementary. It is so exciting for me to be working in education. I love to interact with students and see them learn and grow. Students begin with us as 5 year olds who need extra love, guidance, and attention. Six years later these same students leave us as young adults with very bright futures. The changes that your students go through are amazing and a privilege to be a part of . Two of our school goals are that each child leave our school reading on grade level as well as proficient in math fact fluency.

Please spend time with your children each night. Ask them about their day and listen. Reading together for 20 minutes each night is also essential. Making time for both of these activities will create memories that will last a lifetime! The most important investment you can make in your children each day is to give them of your time!

Our entire faculty and staff are committed to excellence. Our School Mission statement is: High Levels of Learning for ALL Students.

If you ever have questions or concerns please visit with me directly. Let’s continually work together so that Washington Elementary will remain an exceptional school and place for your children!

Adam Baker – Principal

435-673-3012 | gro.21khsaw@rekab.mada

adam baker